Videos & Podcasts
An International Virtual Exchange Project
A partnership between the University of South Dakota and the Kibosho Institute of Health and Allied Sciences.
Interview From a Village in Tanzania
Students from the Kibosho Institute of Health and Allied Sciences in Tanzania interview a village chair person in a remote location of their area.
The entire conversation falls in two languages; Swahili which is the conversation between the student and the village chair person, which was then transcribed in English by another student.
University of South Dakota Students in the U.S. Share an Grade School Intervention
This recording entitled “How Are You Feeling”, discusses an intervention at Wynot Public School, an elementary school in rural Nebraska.
USD Students From the U.S. Discuss the Population of Rural South Dakota
Discover a rural community in a remote area of South Dakota in the United States. Learn about the people, attributes and challenges of the community.
Improving Communication and Preventing Falls in a Rural Nursing Home
University of South Dakota Students visit Wakonda Heritage Manor for a intervention experience to improve care in an elder care facility.
A Glimpse of the Philippines
Nursing students from the St. Anthony’s College in the Philippines share a short video exploring their country and nursing school.
Awhi Kingi - Rural Nurse
Awhi Kingi (Te Atihaunui-a-Paparangi, Ngāti Rangi, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Tūwharetoa) is a rural registered nurse working in Ohakune.
Virtual Engagement: A Global Rural Nurse Exchange Network
Sharing the history, the initiative, and the people that inspired the launch of GRNEN.