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Rural Nursing Innovation Series

Join us as we celebrate innovations in rural nursing by featuring presentations that address unique challenges and opportunities in rural healthcare settings.

Remote Area Nurses and Clinical Supervision: Mapping and Moving Forward
October 17, 9:00 AM Central
Presenter: Fiona Hildebrand, RN, BN, GCRHP, GCSMFH, PhD Candidate
Nurses in remote primary healthcare settings work in difficult conditions, in isolated and disadvantaged communities, with First Nations peoples, and often must work beyond their scop to provide advanced assessments and treatment to support their community. The purpose of this study was to search the literature to source suitable clinical supervision models that could be applied to remote area nurses.

A Nursing Education Initiative to Support Rural Nursing Workforce Recruitment in the American Deep South
October 24, 3:00 PM Central
Presenter: Elizabeth A. Crooks, DNP, RN, CNE and Erica Newfield, DNP, RN, PHNA-BC, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing
The United States has a long-standing nursing shortage where rural communities face the greatest difficulty recruiting nurses to practice in remote or low-resourced areas. This education initiative introduces student nurses to the challenges and rewards of a nursing career in rural communities located in the American Deep South, allows students to explore the social determinants that impact rural residents, and provides them with the context needed to effectively plan care transitions when working with patients from rural communities.

The Silent Voice of the Rural Maternal Patient
October 24, 3:00 PM Central
Presenter: Tammy Hall, MSN, Rn, RDMS, University of North Carolina Greensboro
Pregnant women in rural North Carolina are at a disadvantage regarding prenatal and perinatal care, particularly as it pertains to continuity, the development of relationships with providers, and the provision of shared decision-making (SDM). SDM among rural maternity patients could be integral in improving outcomes and research must be done to determine the factors related to SDM and develop evidence-based practice.

Acquired Capability for Suicide: An Evolutionary Concept Analysis
November 21, 9:00 AM Central
Presenter: Tamara Keefner, PhD, RN, CNE, Department of Nursing University of South Dakota
While virtually all suicide attempters experience ideations, not all who think about suicide will attempt or die by suicide, and not every attempt will result in death by suicide. Identifying and understanding risk factors informing movement from ideation to action is crucial, given that between 2000 and 2020, suicide rates increased by 46% in rural areas compared to 27.3% in urban areas.

Birth Positions, Change Project at Madiany Sub County Hospital, Kenya
November 21, 9:00 AM Central
Presenter: David Oluoch, Advanced Nurse Practioner
Giving birth in an upright position can benefit the mother and baby for several physiologic reasons compared to supine. Upright birth positions may increase maternal satisfaction and lead to more positive birth experiences.

Increasing Rural Nurse Practitioner Students’ Awareness About Cancer and Screenings Among LGBTQ+
December 11, 3:00 PM Central
Presenter: Sarah H. Kershner, PhD, and Tracy George, DNP, APRN-BC, CNE, Francis Maron University School of Health Sciences, Claire DeCristofaro, MD, Medical University of South Carolina
Clinical cancer screening is low among patients who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or something other than heterosexual, which may be related to a lack of knowledge about screenings, discriminatory practices, lack of insurance, and/or fear of hostile treatment.

Implementation of a Pediatric Simulation Cooperative to Enhance Clinical Self-Efficacy: A Rural Education Initiative
December 11, 3:00 PM Central
Presenter: Cassie Burks, DNP, FNP-BC, RN, CEN, A-EMT, Alissa R. Parrish, DNP, RN, Christy Blount, DNP, FNP-BC, Nichole Blackburn, MSN, RN, University of Tennessee
The collaboration between two rural campuses to provide pediatric simulation training for pre-licensure BSN nursing students was a strategic approach to addressing the challenge of limited pediatric clinical placements in non-urban areas. The findings suggest that collaborative efforts between rural nursing programs can be highly beneficial in providing students with practical learning experiences that boos their clinical self-efficacy.